Frequently Asked Questions
- When and where do we meet?
- Pack meetings are held monthly throughout the school year. Most meetings are held on the third Friday of the month. Pack 165 meets at Saint Victors Church in the Hall. The Calendar provides exact dates, places and times of all pack meetings.
- But I don't belong to that church. Is that a problem?
- Not at all! Scouting simply asks is that members believe in a higher power and respect the right of others to believe in their own way. Religous organizations who sponsor Scout groups are specifically enjoined against recruiting. There's no pressure.
- Who does the pack serve?
- There are no restriction but nearly all of our Scouts attend Saint Victors School.
- Where do the dens meet?
- Dens meet in various places. Some meet at Saint Victors and others meet at a den leader's or parents home. Look at the dens area to find out where they are meeting this year.
- Can my son join any den?
- Yes and no. Dens are arranged by school grade, in fact the whole program is geared for differing ability groups, so that is the main limitation. Otherwise you are free to choose with the single caveat that the Pack Committee may restrict choices to keep the dens healthy. Dens that are too big or too small have problems.
- Can we join late?
- Sure! Whether you mean later in the year or later in terms of grade, it's OK.
- How Can I Join Pack 165?
- At the beginning of each school year, during our annual membership drive, we provide information to the local elementary schools about how to join Pack 165? However, new boys are welcome to join our Pack at any time during the year. All boys in grades 1st through 5th are eligible to join. See How to Register.
- What Does It Cost to Join?
- The membership fee for Cub Scouts is $50 per year and for Tiger Cubs is $40, payable when you register. In addition, most dens collects dues (generally around $1 per meeting) to cover the cost of den activities.
The membership fee covers:
- Registration fees and insurance for scouts.
- Quality or Honor Unit patches.
- Advancement patches, belt loops, pins, trophies, and other awards for Scouts.
- What is a Pack?
- A pack is a group of Cub Scouts, adult leaders, and parents who belong to the same Cub Scout unit (e.g., Pack 165 of the Mount Hamilton District, Santa Clara County Council). A pack generally draws its membership primarily from elementary schools in the local area. Each pack is made up of Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear and Webelos dens. Cub Scout Packs are sponsored by chartered organizations.
- What is a Den?
- A den is a small group of boys (ideally 6-8) of the same grade (age) level. Each den meets usually on a weekly basis to work on achievements and other activities. The den is led by adult Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders, who are responsible for planning and conducting the activities at each den meeting.
- What is a Chartered Organization?
- A Chartered Organization is the sponsoring organization for a Cub Scout pack, usually a church, PTA, homeowners' association or other community group. The primary responsibilities of the Chartered Organization are to select the leadership of the pack and provide a meeting place. Each year, the pack must renew its Charter with its local council. The Chartered Organization must approve the rechartering application in order for the Charter to be renewed. Pack 165's chartered organization is the Saint Victor's Church of San Jose, California.
- What are Pack Meetings Like?
- Each pack meeting is planned around a theme, such as "Genius Night" or "Pinewood Derby". Most pack meetings will include songs, skits, games, advancements, adult recognition, raffles, refreshments, and other activities. The master of ceremonies is the pack Cubmaster. All Cub Scouts and at least one parent are expected to attend. Cub Scouting is a family activity and all family members are welcome. Pack meeting are always lots of fun.
- What are Den Meetings like?
- Den meetings usually start with a short opening ceremony (e.g. Pledge of Allegiance) and announcements. Then the boys begin working on the project of the day. In den meetings boys work on a wide variety of projects, all with the development of a particular skill in mind. As the boys progress through the ranks (Wolf, Bear, Webelos) they will be introduced to subjects such as; building, fixing, cooking, camping, hiking, arts & crafts, music, games, environment, leadership, fitness, science, and communication, just to name a few. Each den chooses its own direction under the guidance of its leaders. Sometimes den meetings will involve outdoor activities (e.g. hiking, sports) or a field trip (e.g. library, fire station). Den meetings usually end with a short closing ceremony (e.g. recite the Cub Scout Promise), and then snack. Although the purpose of the den meeting is to develope skills and learn, the emphasis is always on having fun.
- I'm worried that my son can't meet the advancement requirements.
- The standard in Cub Scouting is "Do your best" and this is the yardstick used to determine if the boy has met the requirements. This doesn't mean that it will be easy! The Scout is expected to push for his best but we realize that there is considerable variation at this age level.
The program is flexible for boys with learning disabilities or physical handicaps. The degree of adaptation varies from case to case and there is a wide range of choices.
- Who Runs the Pack?
- The pack is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. The Pack Committee, which consists of the Committee Chairman, Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmasters, Secretary, Treasurer, and Den Leaders, develops budgets, approves expenses, arranges for facilities and conducts overall planning. The Committee usually meets a few days after the monthly pack meeting. The Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders are most directly involved with the Cub Scouts. Dens generally meet weekly or bi-weekly. It is hoped that an adult member of each Cub Scout household (not including Tiger Cubs) will participate in a volunteer position or serve on a committee. In addition to Pack Committee and Den Leader positions, Pack 165 generally tries to fill various volunteer positions (e.g., Membership Chairman, Advancement Chairman, Den Leader Coach, Tiger Cub Organizer).
- Where Can I Get More Information?
- Contact our Cubmaster Mike Nelson or Pack Committee Chairperson Vince Pereira or talk to any friend or neighbor who has a son in Pack 165. Feel free to visit a den or pack meeting any time (see Calendar). Pack 165 always welcomes new scouts and leaders.